Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Segmentation and Targeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Segmentation and Targeting - Essay Example Specific marketing cases Ford Escort is a car brand that was revitalized in 1982, adding Ford’s blue oval insignia for the first time in history alongside a newer frame. The brand was aimed at the sports car market, with a two-seater hatch for lower rooflines (University of southern California, 2010). These body features proved unsuccessful in the sports market and once again, the Ford escort was remodeled for the youth market. The escort brand introduced in the early nineties was a much lower-slung and casual car than either the sedan or wagon. The brand reinstated the Escort GT, as the company was more focused on providing an affordable product for the youths. The Lexus target market ranges for people around the age of forty, with a strong household salary. The luxury market back in 1989 had Lexus brands sell around 25,000 cars in hope of achieving a target of 65,000 cars. With the main rivals of Lexus being brands such as Mercedes Benz, the target market of majority of its brands is well-off customers (Anurit, Newman, And Chansarkar, 2006, p. 15). The choice of target market made by Ford while manufacturing the escort brand revolves around the model of product life sequence. This choice has an impact on its advertising and pricing strategies through marketing mix (University of southern California, 2010). Since Ford Escort is a commodity model of this specific industry, its price and mode of promotion is defined by the targeted market, breaking down the promotion procedures into stages. These stages have been used by Ford to realize the standard income made the youthful market and be able to set prices for the escort model. The choice of target market affected the pricing and advertising strategies of the Lexus vehicle brands through product positioning. Unlike Ford, Lexus fixed its models right before customers who could find them affordable, instead of directly looking the customers. Lexus believed their brand would sell in terms of benefits that ca n be offered to customers through new ways. This way, Lexus could always be affiliated with luxury living, creating a standard means of living able to be felt and understood by its customers. The effects of imposition of a new target market by Ford Escort would have multi-dimensional scaling (Anurit, Newman, And Chansarkar, 2006, p. 16). Market researchers working with ford have analyzed the relationship between introduction of new market targets and consumer perception. Mature Ford escort customers will be inclined to react pessimistically to the bringing in of a new market targets since the dimension the brand has been pursuing for the past twenty years will be altered. Customers will be looking forward to luxurious models of Ford Escort for new buyers (University of southern California, 2010). Therefore, Old buyers will flee the market in search of other affordable brands. The perspective of Lexus buyers will not make a big or significant change with the introduction of a new mar ket target. The brands made by Lexus already hold a luxurious perspective amongst all car buyers worldwide. Therefore, Lexus buyers already find the cars affordable and any significant changes that may occur might be due to the quality or features of new Lexus brands. The image of Ford has been tarnished after the economic downturn began in the European market. As a result, its market

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example People smuggling involves providing people, mostly illegal immigrants, with the means to enter into a foreign country or state without following due legal process and for a price. Once the smuggled people reach their destination, they are set free to go and start their own lives in whatever place they choose. Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon as it has its roots in ancient times when civilization was taking form, which is even before the 15th century. In places such as Rome and Greece, the vice was so prevalent and lucrative that the society had accepted it as a normal business, which put almost half of the population in bondage (Williams 36). However, it is only after the 15th century that this form of trafficking took a global dimension as a result of new explorations and establishment of colonies by the Portuguese, Dutch, British and French among others in territories outside their own continent. It is from here that capturing of indigenous people, with the help of collabo rators, began whereby the captured people were driven to work in large farms and plantations in the colonies as well as in Europe and other continents such as the US, which led to widespread transfer of populations. Some races such as African Americans were formed as a result of this atrocity after people from the African continent were procured by US slave masters to go and provide cheap or forced labor in their firms and while at it, the slaves continued to procreate both within themselves and with the indigenous Americans thus their current existence. However, anti slavery movements emerged in the 1770s and consequently several nations outlawed it and it remains outlawed even in the contemporary society most... Human trafficking is the trade of human beings for the purposes of forced servitude. Forced servitude in this context involves; forced labor, sexual exploitation, child labor, bonded labor and military enrollment. It is estimated that there are more than 27 million people world wide in modern slavery, a business which is attracting a lot of illegal money valued at more than $32 billion annually. Third world countries have been noted as the major targets for traffickers, while the developed ones such as the US are the recipients due to their high economic growth and numerous opportunities. Some of the impacts of this trade on Developing countries include and not limited to; depression of wages, high prevalence of STDs, loss of human capital as well as high crime rate. The US, which receives more than 50000 trafficked persons on yearly basis, suffers from unemployment since victims are made to provide cheap labor, insecurity as well as the burden of spending tax payer’s money in combating the above mentioned consequences.